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Recette des Rillettes au chocolat

Recette des Rillettes au chocolat Très facile


  • 300 g lait de coco
  • 5 g cacao non sucré
  • 40 g sucre roux
  • 1 ananas (petit)
  • 440 g rhubarbe (4 branches)
  • 110 g sucre
  • 1 cuil. à thé vanille liquide
  • 200 g chocolat noir
  • 10 cl crème liquide (UHT)
  • 1 jaune d'oeuf
Agrandir la photo de Rillettes au chocolat
Préparation : 35 mn - Cuisson : 1 h -
Refroidissement : 3 h -

  • Peler et couper l'ananas en petits tronçons.
  • Verser 200g de lait de coco, le cacao et le sucre roux dans une casserole.
    Ajouter les morceaux d'ananas et porter à ébullition.
  • Faire cuire à petit bouillon pendant 45 mn à 1 h : la sauce coco-chocolat doit être réduite (env. 1 cuillère à soupe) et enrober l'ananas
  • Blanchir la rhubarbe. Egoutter, ajouter 60 g de sucre et la vanille et laisser macérer 1 h
  • Faire cuire la rubarbe sucrée 10 mn à gros bouillon.
  • Couper le chocolat en petits morceaux
  • Porter le reste du lait de coco (100g) à ébullition et verser sur le chocolat. Laisser reposer 2 mn. Puis mélanger.
  • Monter la crème liquide en chantilly. Incorporer à la ganache chocolat-coco.
  • Battre le jaune d'oeuf avec 50 g de sucre, jusqu'à blanchiment de l'appareil.
  • Ajouter au mélange chocolaté, puis intégrer les fruits
  • Verser dans de petits pots ou bocaux. Laisser au frais 3 h minimum avant de déguster


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Plus de détails et des photos de cette recette, sur le Blog Chocoholic
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Katanas are a type of Japanese sword, but nowadays the term is internationally used to talk about all Japanese swords in general. They are considered as the best swords ever created, they have a curved shape and they are many different types and sizes.

Strictly talking a katana has around 70 cm, the longest ones are called tachi and were used by cavalry. The short versions are called wakizashi and kodachi, which are equivalent to our daggers. Samurais where equiped with a katana for the face to face fights and a short wakizashi to kill by surprise without being seen.

This is a katana forged 900 years ago by Sanjo Munechika, and is one of the oldest katanas in the National Museum (Ueno Station at Tokyo

It can be appreciated how dedicated, simple and well done were the Japanese tools on those times while at Europe we had huge and rough swords.

Nowadays katanas are created by some artists, people from the Mukansa clan seem to be the best. Two of the Musakansa family members are Living National Treasures selected by the Japanese Government.

Android shows off people-lifting skills

Android lifts 60-kg dummy out of bed ---

In a public demonstration held in Tokyo on March 28, a human-sized android showed off its weightlifting skills by successfully picking up a 30-kilogram (66-pound) package from a desk and lifting a 66-kilogram (145-pound) humanoid doll out of bed.

University of Tokyo professor Yasuo Kuniyoshi and his team of engineers developed the 155-centimeter (61-inch) tall, 70-kilogram (154-pound) robot last year. A recent software upgrade allows the robot to move more like a human by constantly adjusting the power of its arm movements based on data received from 1800 tactile sensors embedded in its artificial skin.

It is this system of sensor-based control — and not large motors — that gives the robot its strength. “Large motors are not safe for use in household robots,” explains Kuniyoshi. “Only a small amount of power is applied at each of this robot’s joints, but it can successfully move heavy objects by using the tactile sensors to regulate how it lifts and carries things.”

The droid demonstrated different maneuvers for different situations. To lift the 30-kilogram package, the robot used one arm to slowly slide it to the edge of the desktop, where it grabbed the package with its other arm to pick it up. To remove the 66-kilogram dummy from bed, the android slid its arms under the body, lifted it slightly and backed away.

Kuniyoshi says this robot’s ability to lift such heavy objects with ease is unusual, and he hopes further improvements will earn the robot a job in nursing care or in the moving industry.

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